Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Green Squash with ground lean pork

Ingredients: serves 4-6 portions

-          500 g green squash, peeled ,washed and drained, sliced into julienne-style matchsticks
-          300 g lean pork, ground or finely chopped
-          100 ml pork (or chicken) broth
-          750 ml hot water
-          1 slice of  fresh ginger, peeled, cut into matchsticks
-          2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
-          2 stalks green onion, washed. To green part: slice into thin rings. Reserve the white part.
-          3 stalks cilantro, washed,  finely chopped.
-          1 tablespoon cooking oil
-          half  teaspoon table salt
-          2 teaspoons granulated sugar
-          1 teaspoons broth mix
-          1 tablespoon fish sauce
-          half teaspoon white pepper, finely ground.
-          2 teaspoon sesame oil

For  marinating the clean pork:
  • 2 cloves red shallot, peeled and finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon broth mix 
  •  ½  teaspoon granulated sugar
  • ½ teaspoon ground pepper


Marinate the clean pork: place the ground lean pork in a mixing bowl. Add the marinade ingredients. Toss to combine well and set aside to marinate for 10 minutes.


1.            Pour the oil into a pot and heat over medium. When the oil is hot, add the chopped garlic. Sáute for about 15-20 seconds until crispy and golden brown outside, then add the marinated ground lean pork. Sáute for 2-3 minutes, until the pork turns white and nearly cooked.
2.            Add the pork broth and water. Increase the heat to medium high and bring to a boil.
3.            Add the green squash matchsticks and bring to a boil. Use ladle to remove the scum or froth if you see any that rises on surface.
4.            Add the white parts of green onion, and ginger matchsticks. Cover the pot.
5.            Return the heat to medium low, and cook for  just 5 minutes because the squash matchsticks  are tender quickly.
6.            Season with table salt, granualted sugar, broth mix and fish sauce. Taste to suit your flavor.
7.            Add sesame oil , turn off the heat , then immediately  add cilantro and green onion.


-          Spoon the pumpkin soup in a large bowl. Sprinkle with ground pepper and chopped cilantro and green onion.
-          Eating with warm rice.


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